2 Things to Consider When “Getting in Shape” is your New Years Resolution.
Rolling up on January we’re looking at the very real phenomenon of the “New Years Resolution”
It can be for you to improve your finances, dump your unsupportive spouse, become the best parent or business person you can possibly be.
These are all solid goals.
BUT I specialize in getting and keeping people into shape for life.
So if YOUR New Years Resolution is to get into YOUR best shape here are 2 things YOU need to know going in.
1) When it comes to exercise be prepared for the long game.
The benefits of exercise are SO POWERFUL you can feel them from your VERY FIRST workout.
But unlike a drug that has diminishing returns over time.
The REAL BENEFITS of exercise are realized over Months, Years, Decades.
If you’re “not sure about this exercise thing” or “just going to give it a try”
Say to yourself.
I’m going to commit a YEAR (2 years is really better) to trying this exercise habit out.
Anything less than a year commitment and you’ll usually find yourself struggling with the first challenge you face.
You’ll face Resistance like travel, and kids getting sick, job changes, unsupportive friends and family..
And this is totally NORMAL.
So expect it and mentally be prepared to keep showing up for a year.
Then after 12 months you can decide if exercise is or isn’t for you.
2) Want to lose weight you’ll need to change your eating in SOME WAY.
Most people WANT to lose weight but they also WANT to keep eating GARBAGE.
If you eat GARBAGE you will NOT lose weight and you WILL STRUGGLE.
You don’t have to be PERFECT (no one is) you ONLY have to make oneor two small changes and let that settle.
Then you can make the next change.
If you’d like the WORLDS SIMPLEST FAT LOSS diet you can download the 100 BEST Foods you CAN Eat list here=>100 BEST FOODS…
If you eat 80% of your food off this list you WILL have more energy, feel better, and lose fat all at thesame time.
If you believe you can eat GARBAGE and “work it off” you will find yourself stuck, unhappy, overweight, tired, frustrated.
2 Weeks until 2019 BEST to start getting your head right if you want 2019 to be your BEST YEAR
P.s. Ready to commit to making serious changes to lose weight, flatten your stomach, reduceyour waist, get your energy back? If so click here…Fast Start Consult