Hope you’re having a great day!
As much as I like to support, encourage, and sell the positive and life changing benefits of getting into shape.
There are somethings that those who don’t get people in shape for a living don’t know.
In the past 20 years my team and I have helped over 2000 Fort Worth residents get in shape and we’ve learned some lessons along the way
It’s not all puppies and sunshine unfortunately.
But if you can prepare yourself ahead of time for these uncomfortable truths.
Your chances of success skyrocket.
#1 The Most Successful People have these 2 qualities.
a) They Show Up
This is the KEY to results both short and long term.
The MOST successful fit for life people how up, and show up, and keep showing up.
Notice I don’t say and lift weights, or show up and run 10 miles, because the what you’ll do over time will probably change.
And somethings you enjoy at 25 you may not have time for at 35 so it changes.
The key is the showing up part.
Those that fall off the wagon and don’t climb back on, just don’t do well.
Focusing on this one thing, showing up consistently and 80% of your weight loss and fitness problems will solve themselves.
b) The Never Give Up
Those people you see that have been or are “fit for life” have this one quality.
And it’s not really apparent on the surface which is why it’s sometimes missed.
They never ever give up working out and eating well.
When they have an injury, they find a way to work around it.
When they travel and the food isn’t exactly what they’re used to, they make the best choices they can and keep on truckin.
When the Holidays come they plan ahead to make sure they can eat right and workout no matter the interruption to their schedule.
When they go through a divorce or a career set back they focus on just getting workouts in and doing something consistently, because they know they’ll feel better for making themselves a priority.
#2 The Path to Fast Results isn’t in Exercise frequency it comes from Hard Dieting.
This is a very uncomfortable truth.
It’s simple but not easy.
Hard dieting comes from knowing what’s going in your mouth, and being accountable for it.
There’s more often than not elimination of some of your favorite foods.
There will be sugar and alcohol withdrawal.
There will be headaches and body aches in the beginning.
And the only thing you can do is gut it out.
Hard calorie restricted diets will get you to goal faster than any other method.
The exercise during hard dieting, helps you keep on track food wise, helps burn fat, and makes you feel physically and mentally better.
#3 If You Keep Doing What You’re Doing You’ll Keep Getting What You’re Getting.
If you keep putting off starting your work outs until Monday. And you keep putting it off each Monday for 6 months
You’ve GOT to do something different.
If you say you’re going to go on a diet, and change your eating habits, but you keep finding yourself eating fast food, not having a plan, and eating ice cream because you feel guilty about not going on the diet you said you would go on.
You’ve GOT to do something different.
If you join a gym. Walk on the treadmill and wander through the weight room because you don’t know where to start.
You’ve GOT to do something different.
I’ve met clients that have spent years procrastinating. And within weeks of working with us have made progress toward their goals.
Don’t let these uncomfortable truths hold you back from getting the positively life changing results you’ve deserve.
To schedule a complimentary weight loss and fitness lifestyle consult
Click Here=>Free Consult
Talk soon.
P.s. Don’t let your schedule hold you back from getting the results you want. We have coaches available from 5am to 8pm M-F and 7-1pm on Saturday. You CAN find time to exercise.
Click Here=>Free Consult