Hope you’re having a great day!
I know the next 2 weeks could be the busiest 2 weeks of your year.
(Check out the video to see what a 53yr old Mom of 2 can teach you about fat loss)
With parties, happy hours, gift exchanges, cookie plates, way more eating out, and travel coming up…
One of the BEST ways to keep your eating on track is to keep your workouts consistent.
Notice I didn’t say keep a perfect workout schedule.
I said consistent.
That may mean 10 or 20 min Anywhere Anytime workouts.
It may mean grabbing a quick 2 mile run before everyone else is up.
It could even mean googling gyms in the area you’re you’ll be in and getting away for a couple hours.
BUT worst case scenario you need some Fast, Effective, No Equipment needed workouts to pull from.
That’s when you want to use the Tabata method.
Tabata is defined as 20seconds of exercise 10 seconds rest Repeat for 8 cycles
You can pick an exercise and crush your workout into 4 Minutes (4 Minute Fat Loss!)
Or decide on 2 or 3 exercises and complete a 4 min Tabata’s with 2 min rest in between each round of different exercises
Then you have a complete workout done in 18minutes.
So the Maximum amount of work you can do in the minimum amount of time.
You should push yourself during each 20 second work/exercise period to complete as many repetitions as possible (Safely though).
This is the opposite of pacing yourself for a long-endurance type activity.
Go hard from the beginning then just do your very best to keep going toward the last couple of cycles.
The video above is of myself and one of my friends who’s a fit pro too, Karen Durham.
(BTW Karen is 53 and puts most girls half her age to shame, she always says to her clients “If I can do it, you can do it“)
Choose one or all of the 4 exercises she demonstrated.
1) Bodyweight squats
(or Sguat Jump)
2) Burpee
(beginner or advanced)
3) Mountain Climber
(harder than it looks)
4) Reverse Lunge
(least intense of all
4 exercises)
Like I said in the video.
You can use Tabatas as a warmup, primary workout, or as they’re most commonly used as a finisher.
Hope you have a great weekend!
P.s. Don’t wait until the New Year to get started. We have an Early Bird special going right now to reward you for taking action, now not later.
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