Happy Friday!
Hope you’ve had a great week.
One thing I consistently see clients struggle with is staying on track on weekends.
One way to curb those Monday morning regrets is to have some weekend rules for yourself.
Not goals, or “good idea’s”..
Rules that you follow like a vegetarian avoids meat.
Here are 5 Simple Weekend Rules that will work for you.
1) Don’t Skip Your Workout
Sure you may have to get up a little earlier. Your regular gym may not be nearby. And you’ve got a million things to do.
Don’t skip it.
Hitting that Saturday workout will keep you on track, your metabolism will be up, you’ll tend to eat better, you’ll have reenforced the right behaviors
Sunday workouts serve the same purpose but they can also give you that head start into a busy week.
You’ll already have a win under your belt.
2) Eat Like it’s a Weekday
Getting off track on the weekends can be fatal to your long term results if you’re really blowing it out.
Do your best to stay as close to your regular eating schedule as possible.
Even if this means getting up eating breakfast and going back to bed.
Staying on track helps keep you full, helps you avoid snacking on convenience foods, and reenforces good eating habits.
3) Limit Alcohol
Without going into the chemistry here just know drinking excessively, even if it’s just on the weekends will have a negative impact on your fat loss.
In addition to the extra calories, the bad food choices you will make, and the effect alcohol has on metabolism.
Working out with a hangover means you are more likely to skip, or have a low energy, just get me through this workout.
Sure you need a break and a reward for a hard week. But you have to decide if you want to deal with the set back that excessive drinking on the weekends will have on your results.
4) Increase Water
Again having your routine thrown off can negatively impact your best healthy habits.
Make a conscious intention to drink more water on the weekends.
You’ll stay hydrated, reduce hunger, and will counter any dehydrating effects from alcohol.
Weekends you should allow one cheat meal.
NOT cheat day.
And it’s best to decide beforehand what day/meal is best for you.
If you’re a big social person go hard on Saturdays. If you tend to go to church on Sunday followed by social lunch that’s your meal.
I also recommend if you’re in your first month of training to not do cheat meals. It helps develop discipline and kicks you into fat loss quicker if you maintain a laser like focus on staying on track.
You don’t have to let weekends ruin your results with just a little forethought and a few good rules you’ll hit the new week running.
Talk soon.
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