Fading Motivation is the death of every great fat-loss program.
The beginning of the end of all fat-loss/get in shape programs start with a single missed workout.
One missed workout leads to two missed workouts. Motivation wanes. Results can’t be seen in the mirror. Momentum is lost. Bellies expand. Hips widen. You get the picture.
Just showing up consistently long enough to build new habits is essential to your success.
Sometimes you do have to pull this off on your own. But. Here’s the good news. When you’re starting out just about everything works. So you don’t have to worry about the exercise. You have to focus on just showing up!
This is the reason I’m fanatical about clients staying consistent during their initial training and boot camps. Consistency breeds success and helps build momentum.
And all this is mental. It’s all mental.
After 20 years of training I realized I had a pretty complete arsenal of Jedi mind tricks to keep me from skipping a workout.
It’s true. I have an office in the middle of a gym. Boot camps I can jump into. And some of the best trainers in the country to work with. And yet just like you my motivation wanes and I must use these mental tricks to get out the door.
I wanted to share some with you.
On those days where your get up and go has got up and went. Try one of these out and like always test, test, test.
#1. The 10 Minute Rule- This is my workhorse. I say to myself ” I’m just going to start this workout and if in 10 min. I’m still not feeling it. I’m going to shut it down. Works every time for me. Yes a couple of time s over the years I’ve said that’s enough. On the other hand I get in and just that small commitment is enough for me to get going all the way through. Some of my best workouts ever wouldn’t have happened without the 10 min. rule. Use it.
#2 The Carrot and the Stick- Want to go out and eat with your friends at noon. You’ve got to get your training in before you go to lunch at noon. Or you’re not going to meet your friends. This is the carrot and the stick. Carrot is hanging with your friends. Stick means not going if you haven’t got your workout done.
#3 Change of Scenery- Something as simple as a switch of location can freshen up the stalest training. If you’re feel your soul draining from your body just to drive to the gym, workout at home that day. There are too many bodyweight options to choose from to feel stuck working out on machines.
#4 Picture This-having a firm mental picture of your goal. And reminding yourself of how you want to look and feel. This can get you up and moving just long enough to pick up some momentum. I recommend clients put their motivational pics on the refrigerator to help keep them on track. Same thing can get you off the couch.
#5 Change-Up your “Routine”– If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know “routines” kill results and motivation pretty quick. You already have enough monotony in your life. Something as simple as throwing in one new exercise can freshen a stale routine. You burn more calories when learning a new exercise too(Double Win!)
#6 Bring A Friend- The right training partner makes all the difference in the world to sticking with it. If a friend is waiting for you. You’ll get there. Like I tell my clients the more support you have the faster you’re going to reach your goals. Because you’ll have less resistance to fight through.
#7 Because you Can– Not everyone can workout. People are sick, paralyzed, depressed, injured, homeless. All kinds of tragedy going on out in the world. And you’re blessed with good health and ability. I’ve had to keep in mind I’m blessed to be able to do what I do. And all I have to do is remind myself of a time I couldn’t train due to illness or injury and I’m out the door. Because we really do have it pretty good and to throw it away seems like a sin.
Hope one or some of these tips help keep you on track.
Remember in this game showing up is 99% of your success.
Talk soon.
“The pain of self-discipline is always less than the pain of regret.” – John Maxwell