Variety will keep you and your progress fresh.
Those foods that work for fat loss. Always have worked for fat loss. And always will work for fat loss.
If you actually eat them….. not Chicken McNuggets.
Check it out .
I hope you find something new to add to your fat-loss food arsenal.
1. Spinach. After a bad experience with stinky, cooked, wet, stringy spinach. I avoided this food for 20 years. Now I’m a convert. I buy the bagged spinach for the sake of convenience and use it as the base of nearly all of my salads. You can also sauté it in olive oil and garlic as the perfect omelet filler. Calorie for calorie, leafy green vegetables like spinach provide more nutrients than any other food. Read that last sentence again.
2. Broccoli. Not a personal favorite. But I see a lot of successful journals with this as a mainstay.. Lightly steamed and even microwaved for a couple of minutes are great ways to cook broccoli. Just be careful not to over cook it – few tastes are worse than wilted broccoli. Broccoli has been linked to helping prevent or control a variety of ailments including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers so be sure to include this vegetable in your weekly meal plan.
3. Apples. Apples are my secret dietary weapon. They are completely portable, require zero preparation, and come in several different varieties. From Pink Lady to Granny Smith, I reach for an apple anytime I feel the hunger pangs between meals. I’ll often eat as many as three apples per day when I’m working to get lean.
4. Celery. My mom had me eat this since I can remember. I consider celery nature’s snack food. If you used to thrive on chips and salsa(Joe T’s anyone?), try replacing that with celery and salsa. Another great option is eating celery with almond or cashew butter. Anytime you want a crunchy snack, celery will help keep you away from that bag of chips.
5. Grapefruit. You know there’s a reason that throughout the years there have been “grapefruit diet” crazes? I’d never suggest you go on any of the fad diets. But with it’s high fiber content and low glycemic load, grapefruit really is an excellent choice when you are trying to lose weight.
6. Blueberries. If you are a smoothie fan, be sure to throw some blue berries in your favorite concoction. Personally, I like to add them to oatmeal. There’s even been a University of Michigan study that showed that blueberry intake reduced abdominal fat and lowered risk for cardiovascular disease. . . in rats. You and I are not rats, and I always look on those studies with some skepticism. But the bottom line is that blueberries are a healthy addition to your weight loss diet.
7. Egg Whites. This is the gold standard for protein sources. With zero fat, egg whites are as lean as lean protiens get. The problem with the whole egg is the high fat and calorie content. Fortunately, 100% of the fat is in the yolk, while the proteins are split pretty evenly between the yolks and the whites. I’d recommend one yolk for every for every six egg whites you eat.
(Back during my serious bodybuilding days I’d eat 72 egg whites everyday! Yes, sometimes I found it hard to stand being in the same room with myself)
8. Almonds. I love nuts for curbing the cravings between meals. Walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, and pecans will all work. . . but I prefer almonds for a few reasons. First they are easy to find raw in nearly any grocery store – that means no added salt, sugar, or oils. Second, they transport easily (walnuts tend to leave “dust” on your clothes). Third, they are easy to count and therefore easy to track. I find that 5 – 8 almonds is about the perfect amount for a snack. Nuts are a great addition to your weigh loss nutrition plan – just be careful to not over do it, those nuts pack a serious caloric punch!
Remember there’s no perfect diet.
You need to find the perfect diet-for you.
That’s the one that you can stick with and get’s the results you’re looking for.
Talk to You Later,