Watched one of my clients who’s been with me for about 8 months walk through the door today.
Owner of gym greeted her by name, her training partner who was warming up gave her a high five, she said “Hi!” to 2 more people before she made it to the locker room.
Later, I mentioned what I’d seen when she walked in to her.
I said “do you know what this means?”
She said No
“You’re now a “Regular”…
You’ve become that fit person, you wanted to be 8 months ago.”
She’s lost 10 pounds, she’s leaner, she’s got energy, she walks with a bounce in her step.
She a fitness person.
And it didn’t happen by “thinking about it”
It happened because she took action.
And began BEHAVING like a fitness person.
Showing up to training regularly.
Eating in a way that she feels better.
And over time those behaviors shaped her self-image.
Now it’s WHO SHE IS.
And that’s a very hard thing to derail.
Don’t get me wrong. She’s still a Mom, and a CPA, and a wife.
On Saturdays she’s drinking wine with her friends, not chugging protein shakes.
But she’s definitely NOT the same person she was 8 months ago.
You can think of it as her…new and improved!
If you look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see. Thinking about it will only take you so far.
Go to the gym, walk out that door for a run, join that boot camp.
Pretty soon you’ll see yourself as a gym goer, a runner, a boot camper.
And you’re more likely to defend this image once it’s set.
It becomes who you are over time.
I’ve got a great beginners program
available now.
The Kick Start program has been responsible for getting hundreds if not thousands of my clients
off the couch and into the gym getting the results they want.
Only 4 weeks of action for a lifetime of benefits.
This is the last week so don’t get left behind.
Talk soon
P.s. This is the last week this program will be available.
Click here=>28 Day Kick Start