I had a couple of coaching calls over the weekend with potential clients.
And one thing I’ve learned over the weekend is.. If your goal is to lose weight and get in shape.
It’s not just enough for me to put it in front of you that something can be done.
Although this is important and good reenforcement for those who have already begun a program.
I mean obviously it can be done otherwise. Clients like Tanya Marrs wouldn’t go out and lose 10lbs in a month.
Or Susan Simpson wouldn’t be 20lbs down and shrinking like a wool sweater in a hot dryer.
Of course it can be done.
I put there examples out to remind you it really CAN BE DONE…
So the real question isn’t “can it be done” (of course it can!)…
Can YOU do it?
“The failure to act is much more often the product of inner, emotional resistance than external resistance. To move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your “bad luck”, your unsupportive family, your low metabolism, where you live, etc.”
-Dan Kennedy
Tough love. Challenging words.
But helpful words.
We all can do better.
Myself, Kennedy, and you.
So take some time, sit at a table, ask yourself this, and think about it:“Why do you say that you want something BUT you refuse to act in congruence with achieving it?”
Kennedy advises that you must DIG in and get to the bottom of the persistent incongruence between what you say and what you do. Be willing to pay the price and end the self-sabotage today.
What can you do to turn the tide towards ACTION today?
One thing a week for 52 weeks is 104 changes you’ve made over the years..
I won’t pretend it’s easy, training can be challenging and uncomfortable.
But so is trying on clothes that don’t fit.
So is getting on the scale at the Dr’s office and being shocked and embarrassed.
So is getting winded going a flight of stairs.
You make the choice to where you’re going to be uncomfortable at…
You can make a change…
And it all starts with one tiny little decision.
And one tiny little action.
And the ball starts rolling.
You have to give something up
You have to do something different
You have to get out of your comfort
zone for just a brief moment.
I believe in you. It CAN be done and YOU can do it!
Talk soon
P.s. Discover how to get your best results faster than you thought possible. Nutrition, exercise and support to move you to your goal…with a complimentary consultation with me today. Call 817-320-0743 to schedule your Complimentary Consult.