Happy day after Halloween!
We’re going into the BIGGEST weight gain season of the year my friend.
But not for you.
The average american will gain between 8-13 pounds in the next 8 weeks.
But you’re not average. If you were you wouldn’t be reading my newsletter.
So the first thing you’re going to do is get rid of the Halloween candy that you have access to.
Dump it in the trash, give it away, send it to the troops…
And yes tell your kids to hide theirs if you’re that unable to resist.
This isn’t because I want you to be hardcore.
I actually want to make it easier on you to stay on track.
And a key component of staying on track is managing your environment.
If there isn’t any candy available TO eat. It makes it a hell of a lot harder to screw up.
Out of sight out of mind.Recent research showed that children and families given greater access to fruits and vegetables weighed less, while children and families who snack food visible and available weighed more than average.
“Higher availability, accessibility, and parental modelling were associated with higher consumption of fruit and vegetables in children.
Availability and Accessibility were the best predictors, but Parental Modelling significantly enhanced prediction over the other variables.” ..Rachel Goldman lead researcher.
What food you can see and have easy access too is the biggest factor to what you can put in your mouth.
So today make it your mission to make it HARD to gain weight, and EASY to lose it.
Getting that candy out of your house and office is the first step.
BTW if you think I’m full of it. Here’s a Burpee conversion chart so you can do the math on that Snickers bar.
Talk soon.
P.s.If you’d like to lose weight, tone up, feel better, and gain confidence BEFORE the New Year
Click here=>Fast Start Consult