Bounce Forward
“When we hit an obstacle, sometimes the best we can hope for is to bounce back. To recover, to get through this and get back to normal.
But when our project hits a snag, perhaps we can consider using the moment to bounce forward instead. Being on the alert for opportunities, not merely repairs.
If we’re spending our time and effort focusing on a return to normal, sometimes we miss the opportunity that’s right in front of us.
Bouncing forward means an even better path, not merely the one we were on in the first place.”
-Seth Godin
Seth Godin is pretty smart guy and he makes a great point with his blog today.
What can we do when we hit a snag or a set back, to not just recover, but to get better or “bounce forward” because of it?
Quite often what we may see as an obstacle or set back is really and opportunity to get better, not just get back to the same routine.
For example if you normally workout in the evening and events, and kids, and work keep getting in the way, go to working out in the morning.
Studies show morning exercisers are more consistent, burn more calories through the day, and make better food choices.
OR if you keep missing breakfast, because you just can’t get yourself up in time to make a healthy breakfast, drink a protein shake in the car on the way into work.
These are just two examples, of not just getting back to the routine you struggle with, but making a change that puts you in a better place.
Quite often your plan B will beat your plan A.
Talk soon.
P.s. Tired of trying it “on your own” and quitting before you see any results. Get the workouts, coaching, and support to get the results you deserve.
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