You think it’s your diet and exercise…
You may think results are about your meal plan, or salads, or the jumping jacks, or the half-marathon you’re training for, or the P90x Dvd.
And I know this may be a shock.
None of that stuff matters.
None of it matters at all really.
In fact when it comes to losing body fat and getting and staying in shape…all of the diet and exercise come second to this one thing…
Your ‘Adversity Quotient”.
In other words you ability to handle adversity and the suck factor.
See, how you deal with adversity determines your success or failure MORE than any other thing.
Kid’s will get sick, jobs will have crazy can’t miss deadlines, you or your spouse will travel for business, you take a two week vacation and never set foot in a gym…workouts will get missed or suspended all together.
You’ll fall of your diet. You’ll get stuck in an airport with nothing good to choose from, at a birthday party and that one piece of cake turns into a month long bender, you just get bored eating the same old thing.
Welcome to fitness my friend!
If you expect to get into your best shape and stay there you’ve got yo increase your tolerance to adversity.
Because things that will throw you off your game ARE going to happen…It’s NOT a matter of if, but WHEN!
You’ve got to go from being a pretty little flower that wilts from the first sign of adversity to a weed that can grow in barren deserts and push it self through 9 feet of concrete!
It’s ALL about your Adversity Quotient…
Your ability to deal with the suck factor on your very worst days and weeks and keep going.
That’s what this is all about.
You can’t show me a man or a woman that’s lost 20-30 or 50 pounds or more that quits easily.
This takes guts to get started and to keep going.
And that’s what differentiates those who just try and those that make it.
See at the end of the day all the diet and exercise is the same for all of us.
You’ve got your diet’s-paleo, low carb, high carb, high protein, no sugar, etc…
You’ve got your Zumba, your Crossfit, Boot Camps, high intensity, and P90X…
It’s simple. But simple doesn’t mean easy.
Find a diet you can live with and an exercise method that doesn’t make you dread going to the gym 3 days a week, get around some like minded people to make the time go by.
Expect adversity to happen and respond to it.
And never give up.
I believe in you.
P.s. If you’re struggling to see results. And going to the gym just isn’t doing it for you. We can help. Get the coaching, support, nutrition and exercise you need to get the results you deserve.
Click Here=>Free Consult ($78 Value)