One of the best stories of the year! So good.
I don’t consider myself an emotional guy. But I got choked up when we shot this video.
Shelly had to get rid of so much head trash and excuses. If you don’t know “Head trash” is the accumulation of excuses, past failures, negative mindset, and current circumstances that hold you back from your goals. Shelly had to dump a ton of that. And it’s painful to do in the beginning.
You either have ton of excuses or a ton of results. No one has both. She overcame the “time excuse” the “money excuse” the “it’ll be uncomfortable to start” excuse. Man, she had everyone in the book and she beat them all. She beat them into submission.
And here’s the thing. She got her life back.
She got the ability to what she wants when she wants. No limits.
It’s my hope that you get some ideas of what’s possible for you this New Year.
You can’t let head trash or excuses get in your way of Living The Rest Of Your Life on Your Terms. Living your life truly happy.
It’s my hope too that you watch the video. And if you feel like Shelly did. That you take action. Fill out the Consult Request in the upper left on this page and I can meet with you to discuss your goals.
Now watch the video. And have a great day!
Oh! and Great Job Shelly!
Talk to you later.