You always tell yourself you are going to start exercising tomorrow, but tomorrow always comes, and then goes, with no workout. Or maybe you fit them in occasionally, but more often than not, hit the snooze button or push it off to the next day in favor of other things.
Every reason you tell yourself for putting off your workouts is not actually a reason at all: its an excuse. Next time you put your workout off, pinpoint which excuse you are using, and combat it with these strategies.
I Don’t Have Time: This if by far one of the most common excuses used- but its still an excuse. What you are actually saying is that exercise isn’t a big enough priority to MAKE time for. You already know how to make time for a workout, so do it.
I’ve Started Before but Failed In The Past: It’s difficult to get motivated to do something after you’ve failed before, but don’t look at it as starting over. You already have a head start this time- you know what caused you to fail last time, and can make a plan to avoid that pitfall. Re-evaulate what caused you to fail. Did you do too much, too quickly and burn out? Did you set unrealistic goals? Did you use excuses to rationalize quitting?
I Can’t Afford A Gym Membership or Training: This one is simple- think of all the things you spend money on the are hurting your health: Starbucks, fast food, cigarettes, frequent dinners out, junk food, etc. Take all that money and put it in a jar. There’s your membership.
I’m Too Fat: Unless your doctor says you can’t workout, no one is too fat or out of shape to exercise. This excuse is more about embarrassment, but the only way you are going to change the way you look is it workout. You have to start from somewhere. You can either start working out today and lose weight, or you can continue on the same road and gain more: your choice.
I Just Can’t Get Motivated: No, you don’t want to be motivated. Motivation isn’t something that you magically wake up with one day that causes you to wake up early everyday without fail and exercise. Motivation will come when you pick a goal, and strive to work towards it. It will also come when you recognize that you HAVE to workout- every one does, and you aren’t going to be happy until you finally take the steps to take care of yourself.
I Hate Exercising: You probably just haven’t found a mode of exercise that you enjoy. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring and painful- it can be fun and something you look forward to. And you know what? You might not ever be ecstatic to workout, but your body doesn’t know if you enjoyed it, it just knows if you did it.
I’m Too Tired: This excuse can create a vicious cycle because the more inactive you are, the lower your energy level. Its hard to exercise when you are tired, but getting in a workout will actually make you feel more energized than a nap. Regular physical activity increases your energy level throughout the day. Being tired isn’t a reason not to exercise, not exercising is probably the reason you are tired.