Fort Worth Personal Trainer: How this 36yo Professional Dropped 15lbs, 9ins, and One Dress Size (VIDEO)
Jenna Bell 36, is a busy Surgical Device salesperson juggling an intense work schedule and active social life.
Jenna found us on Facebook one day as she says “I was mindlessly scrolling on Facebook one day, depresses and feeling sluggish when your ad popped up!”.
She made the call to us that night and met with me the next morning for her consult (Success loves speed).
In the past 6 months she has dropped 15lbs, 9ins overall, 2ins off her waist alone, and one dress size!
But more importantly in her words “I feel better!”
Jenna shares the #1 change she made to her nutrition that she feels had the biggest impact on her results.
She also shares the one key nutrition tip her coach had her put into play that helped her make the change that kick started her fat loss and stay on track.
Jenna also talks about how making exercise a priority has createda “carryover” to her eating habits where what foods she found appealing changed.
She also shares her easy meal preptips and super fast healthy breakfast choices.
She talks about how having a coach and her group keep her motivated and how fast and easy the process is after the initial shock wears off.
Her total investment of 35min 2 to 3 times per week haskick started her into taking even more action and getting back on her horse more.
Jenna closes the video with her advice to you if you’re on the fence about trying out this program “Just commit to those first 3 months, you’ll feel so much better, and it’s totally worth it!”
P.s. If you’re like Jenna and need a kick-start to get back to feeling and being your BEST self we can help.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult