Fort Worth Personal Trainer How this 56yo Nurse Lost 13lbs of Fat and 2 Dress sizes in 6 Weeks!
After a scary incident in the grocery store, where Libby fell and found herself unable to get back up…
Libby Sloan, 56, reached out to us and joined the Fit Over 50 Project!
Even though she had never worked out ever before and was as she says an “anti-gym person”
She KNEW if she didn’t do something her health and independence were at risk.
She shares the progress she’s made in this non-intimidating atmosphere while working along women “just like me!”
In this video this pediatric nurse and nurse Instructor shares the incident that caused her to realize she wasn’t where she wanted to be physically.
How she’s lost 13lbs of fat, 2 dress sizes, and 4 inches in her waist in only the first 6 weeks of the project.
She’s also regained her strength and mobility, getting up and down off the ground with her nieces without even thinking about it.
Libby also tells me the ONE simple nutrition change she made that she feels has helped her most in dropping the unwanted weight.
And howe even though her diet isn’t “perfect” (it doesn’t have to be perfect!) she’s making progress.
Finally she tells how the open and “Come as you are” environment helped her overcome her belief that exercise and feeling your very best was reserved only for young, already skinny people.
Click the Video to Play
Click Here=>How this 56yo Nurse Lost 13lbs of Fat and 2 Dress sizes in 6 Weeks!
Talk soon,
P.s. If you’re close to or over 50 and NOT feeling your very best we can help.
Click Here=>Fit Over 50 Project