Fort Worth Personal Trainer: How This 63yo Grandmother Dropped 8lb, 9in Overall, and Lost the Flab in 4 Weeks! (VIDEO)
Kathy Howard, 63, joined my program as she says to “Get rid of the flab”!
After dropping a significant amount of weight over the last year using a commercial meal plan.
She knew she needed an exercise program that would get her toned up, increase her energy, and help her keep the weight off.
She’s lost 8lb and 9in overall in just the first 4 weeks!
More importantly, she feels like her energy is up, she’s sleeping less, and as she says “feeling better than I have in years!”.
She shares the exact method she used to drop junk food and fast food to drop her first 50 pounds.
She also makes sure to get in 4 servings of fruit and 4 servings of vegetables a day. (There are NO secrets to eating healthy! The Basics are always the same)
She also shares how this program is different from just joining a gym and hoping for the best.
She (like all of us at one point) even joined a gym for a year and only went once.
And how this program the coaches and the variety keeps her engaged and coming back for more.
Click the Video to Play-
P.s, If you’re in your late 40’s or older and you’re tired of being tired? It’s ESSENTIAL to your quality of life to have a regular exercise program, and Fit over 50 can help.
Click Here=>Fit over 50 Application