Fort Worth Personal Trainer: How Carlos Flipped his Diet, Tripled his Strength, and Built the Fitness Habit (Video)
Wanted to share a fantastic client Success Story with you today.
Carlos at 39 is a very busy entrepreneur and single father who came to us to drop body fat, get stronger, and build the fitness habit of eating better and exercising regularly.
I want to point out that Carlos had never worked out ever and had a decades long fast food every meal diet from owning a construction business.
As he said on his first day “I’ve always wanted to workout I just never could get to it”
In 12 weeks he’s done a 180 with his diet, tripled his strength, and built the fitness habit.
He’ll share with you the 3 steps he took in 30 days to go from an every meal every day fast food diet that he had been doing for years… to eating healthy, lean, supportive and convenient diet that gives him energy and saves him money.
Click the video to hear Carlos’ Story
If you’d like to completely turn your eating around and get the life changing results like Carlos did you can and it all starts with a brief 10 minute Fast-Start phone call.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
P.s. Don’t wait another day to get your body back.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult