Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Don’t Let Temporary Situations Derail Your Long-Term Success (VIDEO)
Recent research came out that revealing that just ONE WEEK of inactivity canĀ have negative effects on your body.
The Study revealed after just 7 days of no exercise on a normal healthy adult 3 things happened
1) Body Fat Increased (specifically around the mid-section)
2) Muscle Mass Decreased (specifically in the legs where you need it most)
3) Insulin Resistance was reduced (the subject was more prone to diabetes)
All within ONE WEEK of inactivity.
So to stay on track with your exercise habit you CAN’T ALLOW temporary situations to derail your long-term success.
In todays Video I share with you the top 6 Temporary distractions I see clients allow to derail them from their long-term goals and how to prevent this.
Click The Video to Play
P.s. Get the accountability, coaching, support, to get the results you want.
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