Fort Worth Personal Trainer: I Just Want My Routine Back!
I just want to get my routine back!
THAT has been the rallying cry for the past week for my clients returning from there anything goes, exercise on the back burner, I’ll get back to it when I can Summer schedule.
The best thing is to KNOW there’s not just comfort in routine, but power also.
A top coach used to say to me there’s freedom in discipline.
Meaning you had more control over your life and your outcomes when you disciplined yourself to do the hard things.
I would go one step further and say there’s freedom in having a routine.
Keeping your nutrition as simple and on auto-matic as possible has HUGE advantages.
When you know what you’re eating or breakfast every day (because it’s the same one or two healthy choices)
You always meet your coach at 8am M/W/F to work out
You have 2 or 3 staple lunches you can rely on so you don’t have to “really struggle to stay on track with what I eat”
And dinner is with your spouse who also stays in shape, dinner is also a healthy choice.
This is routine.
This requires way less discipline than going to the gym..
when I can
After work
After the kids are fed
After everyone else has gone to bed
Routines allow you to have freedom.
Routines are like rules in that they help you say yes to the things that make you feel better.
And it’s easier to say no to the things you’d rather not do.
This is THE week to get back into YOUR routine.
And remember when you say yes, and take action toward your weight loss and fitness goals you’re reinforcing the positive habit of taking positive action.
When you say “Nah, I’ll just wait until next week, month, year, decade” you’re reinforcing the waiting habit.
Which habit really brings you closer to your goals.
The choice is yours.
If you need accountability, coaching, a place to be and someone looking for you to help kick start your fall routine.
I can help.
And it all starts when you click here.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
And a gentle reminder, don’t wait until New Year 2018 to get started.
The bad habits you’ll reinforce between now and then will make it even harder to lose weight get in shape.
Starting now you could be down 20, 30, even 40 pounds by New Years Eve.
And THAT is the way to start the New Year.
P.s. Don’t wait until it’s too late to get your body back! Get the coaching, accountability, workouts, meal plans, and nutrition support you need to get the results you deserve.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult