Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Monday Quick Tip-Always Exercise at Least 3 Days per Week
“We become what we repeatedly do”
-Sean Covey
There’s one thing I really admire about vegetarians…
A Vegetarian has RULES.
And if the rule is “I don’t eat meat” they simply DO NOT eat meat.
It’s not..
“Well I can’t eat meat except on Wednesdays”
“I got stuck at the airport so I had to eat a lamb chop”
“Hey! Stop at that McDonalds, I don’t feel like being a vegetarian today”
No. The rule is I don’t eat meat.
See. they have RULES.
And rules work when you have a good set for your own behaviors.
If you’ve been with me for any time you’ve learned the Real secret to getting and keeping your results is consistency with your diet and training over time.
The clients that GET results are the ones that simply show-up and keep showing up over time.
It sounds simple and it is. But simple doesn’t mean easy.
Here are 4 Simple Rules to help you stay consistent in the gym.
The more consistent you are the faster you’ll see results.
Rule #1:
Never Miss a Monday.
Pretty simple rule. Getting a workout on Monday helps you set the tempo for the rest of the week.
Miss Monday and you feel like you’re running behind the rest of the week no matter what.
Monday workouts also help you dump that one or two pounds of water retention from the weekend.
And it gives you confidence in yourself that you’ll do what you say you’ll do into the week.
And you just feel better
Never Go 3 Days Without Exercise
You all know that guy that lost a ton of weight and then gained it back?
The backsliding ALWAYS begins with a missed workout.
“I went on vacation, and started missing workouts”
“I finished my marathon, and didn’t run again”
“Life got busy and I started missing workout”
TO avoid this you need a forcing mechanism to keep you consistent.
This is that forcing mechanism that keeps you from backsliding even during the most stressful periods of your life.
If you miss Friday, Saturday, Sunday you MUST workout Monday(refer to rule #1).
This forces you to stay consistent and will help you avoid any serious backsliding and long layoffs.
Rule #3
Workout at least 3 days a week.
Again this is a forcing mechanism for keeping you consistent over time.
The traditional split for workouts is Monday/Wednesday/Friday.
But there’s no magic to that sequence it just seems to work best for the majority of people.
Key here is to get those 3 days in one way or the other. Miss Monday and Tuesday?
Wednesday/Thursday and Saturday will work too. And you’re back on track Monday.
These rules work!
Never Give Up.
At the end of the day you can never beat a person that refuses to give up.
You must be that person.
You must show up.
And keep showing up.
And good things WILL happen.
I believe in you!
Talk soon
P.s. Tired of trying it on your own only to find yourself eating ice cream from the carton with a spoon? Get the workouts, nutrition, coaching, and support you need to get the results
you want and deserve.
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