Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Monday Quick Tip-NEVER Miss a Monday (VIDEO)
There are 4 “RULES” of Fitness that are passed on from veterans and fitness people to new clients and newbies.
4 Simple RULES of Fitness
1) Never Go 3 Days Without Exercise
2) Workout at Least 3 Days Per Week
3) Never Miss a Monday
4) Never Quit
And even more important is what these rules of success in fitness ARE NOT about.
They’re NOT about eating salads, doing Zumba, or spandex.
They are ALL forcing mechanisms for the #1 Success Rule of all…
They force you to Show Up.
And that’s the MOST important rule of all.
This one thing will solve 90% of your exercise and nutrition challenges over time.
Today we will focus on Never Miss a Monday and why this rule is so important.
P.s.Tired of being tired, clothes not fitting, avoiding social situations, eating away your emotions? We can help.
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