Fort Worth Personal Trainer: We’re MOVING! Here’s where we’re going! (VIDEO)
Hey I want you to know we’re moving at the end of this week!
NOT FAR THOUGH! Just a couple blocks away.
First some background.
5 years ago when I lost my lease to my space on 7th and Montgomery Robin and Glory Thomas were kind enough to throw me a life preserver and let me sub lease space from them at Inursha.
Well it’s time for the next step.
The building we’re currently in has been sold so on Dec 1st we’ll be moving to a NEW and LARGER space in a working partnership with Inursha Fitness.
The new location is just off University at 2927 Shamrock Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76107 – only .9 miles (3 min) north of our current location.
Maps and printed directions will be available at the gym on Monday.
The new building has a total of 7200 square feet, so it is 2200 square feet larger and features:
It’s larger and set up with the future of coaching in mind.
This will give us the space to grow our Accelerator Personal Training, Rapid Results Boot Camp, Fitlean, and Fit over 50 Project.
What you’ll get:
A more open flow on the gym floor!
An open turf room for body weight exercises, sport specific exercises, and our year-round boot camp!
A dedicated space for group coaching!
The Trinity River trail is right out our back door so you can choose to run on the outdoor trail or on an indoor treadmill!
(No more dodging traffic!)
A new parking lot that will make your trip to the gym safe, quick and convenient!
Our current location on Bailey Avenue has been sold, and will close at 7:00 pm on Friday, December 1, 2017, and we will remain closed through Saturday, December 2nd to move the equipment.
I look forward to seeing you at our new location on Shamrock Avenue on Monday, December 4, 2017, when we get back to our normal hours of operation.
Thank you for your support that’s made this growth possible and I look forward to seeing you in the new facility.