Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Near-Maximal Interval Training Workout (Your Weekend Workout)
This weekend workout may be a little challenging if you’re in your first month or two of exercise.
That DOES NOT mean you can’t do it, it simply means you need to “pace” yourself a bit more.
Near-Maximal Interval Training Workout (Your Weekend Workout)
This is a technique that allows you to work near your maximum pace for relatively long periods of time.
It’s an intermediate to advanced method that involves short work intervals and even shorter rest intervals.
Start with work intervals of 10 seconds and rest intervals of 5 seconds.
Repeat this for 10 minutes.
Your work pace should be about 80 to 90% of your maximum speed.
Then you can progress to longer work intervals and longer durations…
15 seconds work to 5 seconds rest – 12 minutes total.
Then after a couple of weeks.
25 seconds work to 5 seconds rest – 15 minutes total.
This method keeps you crossing over then dropping back under the Anaerobic Threshold (the point in intensity at which lactic acid builds up in the body because the body can’t keep up with producing energy aerobically, which from oxygen) and does it for longer periods.
It will burn a TON of calories while you’re doing it, increase cardio capacity tremendously and boost metabolism very effectively.
In short.
This type of intermediate level training will burn fat when nearly every other form of exercise has been exhausted.
It’s challenging but EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE at getting you lean when combined with a sensible diet and resistance training.
Stick with it 2 times per week for at least 4 weeks and you WILL see a difference in the mirror.
Get after it!
P.s. Don’t let the Summer pass you by. Get the results you want in less time than you thought possible.
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