Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Quick Tip-DON’T WAIT!
Don’t Wait
One of the defining personality characteristics of my clients is they tend to be procrastinators.
This doesn’t mean they’re not extremely competent and successful, across a wide range of talents.
But they also at some point, they have put off their own well-being, their weight, their exercise habit, taking care of themselves first.
Then realized this was NOT a good thing.
Then waited.
This was where their procrastination kicked in.
And that’s where the weight piles on, the clothes grow larger, the number of times you catch your breath going up stairs increases.
It’s a dangerous thing.
And there are two significant problems with “waiting”
First we’re all waiting for that “Perfect time” to start.
When in reality the BEST TIME is NOW.
Like author Tim Ferris says…
“The stars will never align and the traffic lights will never be all green at the same time.
The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to line up all the pins either.
Conditions are never perfect.
“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and Con lists are just as bad.
If it’s important to you and you want to do it “eventually” just do it and course correct along the way.”
Every point he makes is spot on.
Second is “waiting” reinforces the “not doing shit about the problem” habit.
And that’s not the kind of habit you want to reinforce.
YOU want to reinforce the “ACTION TAKING” habit.
That’s why the longer you put it off the HARDER it is to get started when you do finally pull the trigger.
And most importantly the final point to…
Start where you are, correct your course along the way.
That’s exactly how every one of us gets into shape.
Starting without the entire picture complete.
But having the courage to start anyway.
Having just enough blind faith that you CAN do this.
And you were meant to be active and healthy and happy.
Like Tim say’s the stars will NEVER align and that’s OK.
Just starting forces a number of things to change.
YOU change.
You become a proactive action taker.
And it all starts with a single action.
A walk around the block.
Throwing away every soft drink in the house.
Showing up to that fitness boot camp.
Enrolling in that swim class.
Bagging your lunch that day.
One action is all it takes to get started.
YOU can do this and it CAN be done.
Talk soon.
P.s. If you don’t know WHERE to begin.
Begin here.
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