Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Rapid Results Nutrition Crash Course (Saturday Jan. 13th)
You and a Friend are Invited To:
(and it’s not what you think)
Free Seminar
The Rapid Results Nutrition Crash Course
Totally FREE all I ask is that you register at this link so we know you’re coming…
Click Here=>Nutrition Crash Course
When: Saturday-Jan 13th 12:00pm
Where: Inursha Fitness-2927 Shamrock Ave 76107
Who: You and a Friend
One hour full of the hardest hitting, fat melting strategies, tips and tricks!
Diets Fail.
And it’s not you.
It’s them.
And the Big 3 Reasons are:
#1 Diets are CONFUSING– one book says no carbs, another says no fats, the next says protein is bad. Aren’t you dreaming of the day you can walk into a grocery store and not be terrified or torture yourself with guilt, no matter what you eat?
#2 Diets are CHALLENGING– just like you, I can’t possibly keep up with all the “breakthrough” diets that rain in from the sky each and every day.
#3 Diets are CONSUMING– bring consumed with food is affecting your mood and self-worth. And life is way too short to be downright depressed because you ate some garlic toast for lunch?
In less than an hour you’ll discover:
• How to fire up your metabolism with 3 simple secrets
(the weight-loss industry doesn’t want you to know)
• Why eating less and exercising more is a recipe for disaster
(yo-yo dieting comes from this)
• The Top Twelve WORST foods you should never eat
• The Top Twelve BEST foods you can eat all the time
• Why this one group of foods will never be stored as body fat
(also how to take maximum advantage of negative calorie foods)
• Why counting total grams of fat is an antiquated weight-loss technique
(and what works better instead)
• How to boost your energy levels higher than you ever thought possible almost instantly
(you’ll feel the difference the very next day)
• The single most important thing you must do before you even set foot in a gym or start any fat-loss program
(it’s more important than any diet, training routine, supplement, or drug known to mankind!)
Totally FREE all I ask is that you register at this link so we know you’re coming…
Click Here=>Nutrition Crash Course
Dave Fannin