Happy Friday!
Some of the best workouts you will ever have will be based off a few super simple full-body exercises.
That’s exactly what the Super 6 Fat Loss Circuit is super-simple and super-effective.
It’s a mix of exercises for repetitions and timed so you’re switching gears through out the workout.
Again just like last weeks Saturday workout, this is designed as a better more effective alternative to old school long slow cardio.
Weights used will be medium to light.
Remember simple doesn’t mean easy.
Super 6 Rapid Fat Loss Circuit
Click the video for Demo…
Do NOT Rest between sets
Rest 60 seconds between circuits
Do up to 5 Circuits
Keep a steady pace throughout
(not fast not slow-steady)
1. Bodyweight Squat (20Reps)
2. Pushup (20Reps)
3. Bent Over Row (15Reps)
4. Plank (60seconds)
5. Bulgarian Split Squat
(15Reps per side)
6. High Knee Running in Place
Repeat up to 5 times
If you’re struggling to get to the gym and you’re not sure if this New Year New You thing is going to work out.
Get the help you need to get the results you want.
You can test drive my Rapid Results Fitness Boot Camp program with Unlimited workouts for 7 Days for F.R.E.E.
Click here=>Free Unlimited Pass
There’s no catch or obligation to buy.
Just 7 days of Unlimited Workouts perfect for the beginner looking to lose weight and get in shape and the veteran who’s burnt out from doing the same old thing.
Morning, evening, and Saturday sessions are available.
Click here=>Free Unlimited Pass
P.s. If the idea of putting on a swimsuit causes you nausea this is the time to do something about it. Life is too short to sit on
the sidelines.
Click here=>Free Unlimited Pass