Fort Worth Personal Trainer: The Dangers of the Dad-Bod are REAL and Not What You Think (VIDEO)
As funny as it may be to celebrate the middle-aged guys slide into skinny arms and legs with a gut hanging out over his pants.
The DANGER this condition puts you in is REAL and it’s NOT what you think.
Most people imagine the danger for middle aged men is sudden death from heart-attack or stroke.
And while the stereotype of the heavily stressed, overweight executive collapsing and dying on the spot leaving a wife and kids behind is very real.
MORE COMMON and far more dangerous is the higher risk that YOU will experience a LONG drawn out slow death due to neglect.
Congestive hear failure, diabetes,high blood pressure, strokes, cancer ALL related to the Dad-Bod.
And these LONG declines leave youunable to provide for your loves ones,draining your savings and resources,forcing others to care for you due to your own preventable neglect.
THIS is the REAL DANGER to you when you’re overweight and out of shape in your 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s.
Your loss of independence and draining effect on your family and loved ones.
BUT the good news is its completely preventable.
Research has proven an established, consistent exercise program of 3 times per week will prevent or eliminate 80% of diseases and accidents to men over 50.
And it doesn’t mean you have to be a tri-athlete, or bodybuilder, or to completely restructure your life around working out (these are all excuses men use to NOT start anyway)
A simple 3X a week exercise program.
And in the beginning it doesn’t even matter WHAT you do.
Swim, bike, walk, lift weights, classes, fitness boot camps…
It DOESN”T matter, heck it will change over the next few years anyway.
The KEY is to get started.
Now not later.
Today not tomorrow.
It CAN be done and YOU MUST DO IT.
P.s. If you’re rockin the Dad-Bod today we have a proven plan to drop the gut, build your strength, build the exercise habit, and get you results faster than you thought possible.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult