Fort Worth Personal Trainer: The DIP and It’s Critical Importance to Your Weight Loss and Fitness Goals (VIDEO)
Have you ever started out on a weight loss and fitness program with some big goals only to fall apart before you reach them?
Starting out strong.
Then the soreness sets in.
Your dog dies, which distracts you from improving your diet.
Your care breaks down, a kid gets sick, you spouse leaves for a 3 week business trip in Europe.
And one day you skip the gym.
And one day turns into two days missed and soon it’s over.
What you just experienced is called The DIP and it’s universal in all endeavors.
It’s the space between where you start taking action towards a goal, and the goal being realized.
In todays video I talk about the Dip and it’s critical importance to your goals.
And I also give you 3 tips to managing the DIP and how you can insure your success.
P.s. Tired of being tired, clothes not fitting, the idea of being seen in a swimsuit is your idea of hell?
We can help.
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