Fort Worth Personal Trainer: “I Want Abs But I Also Want Tacos” (Monday Motivation)
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
In weight loss and fitness we all deal with a lot of cognitive dissonance in ourselves our clients and sometimes want to be clients.
The best way to understand cognitive dissonance (CD) is weight loss and fitness is…
“I Want Abs But I Also Want Tacos”
And we do!
We want both, and right now even!
But, you really can’t and get good results and that’s where that sense of uneasiness comes in.
That feeling you get that’s right under your consciousness.
It’s that feeling of anxiety of knowing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing and ACTUALLY doing that thing.
The cure of course is action.
Action alleviates anxiety.
Taking the right action (eating a healthy supportive meal, going for a run, meeting your buddy for your workout) will immediately eliminate that CD.
And you can give yourself success insurance by focusing on this one thing.
Act As If
Act as if you’re already that fit person you want to be.
Quite often we think, once I drop some weight THEN I’ll join that fitness boot camp.
It’s by joining the fitness boot camp that you’ll begin to drop the weight and get in shape.
To get the appearance, strength, stamina, endurance, clear thinking, energy, better sleep, better sex, better thought of a person who is physically fit
Your behaviors must match those of your weight loss and fitness goals.
When you “Act as if” you are a healthy minded fit person and your behaviors reflect that, you eventually become that leaner fitter person you desire to be.
Fake it til you make it may be a joke in some circles but in ours it a cornerstone habit.
The problems arise when you say one thing
* “I’m going to get in shape”
And do another
* “Ate a box of donuts”
When you send your unconscious mind mixed signals it responds by delivering equally conflicted uneven results.
So when you’re overweight and out of shape not only should you mimic the behaviors of the lean and fit…
You HAVE TOO to get the results.
And the faster you can change your identity in your head.
And your day to day behaviors.
The faster you’ll see results and become that better than you were yesterday person you want to become.
There are small things you can do to help cement this new image in your mind.
1) Rules.
Get yourself 2 or 3 Rules you live by that help you stay on track.
“My rule is I eat clean during the week and have a cheat meal once on Saturday and one on Sunday”
Then you follow the rule.
You can even use the “Rule” as your defense against well meaning friends who may sabotage your efforts.
“I’d love to have a donut, but I have a rule of no junk food during the week, thanks though!”
Rules work.
2) Social Support.
The WHO you hang out with can either make or break you.
When you hang out with like minded people who avoid bad eating and exercise regularly YOU will most likely be a person who avoids bad eating and exercise regularly.
Quite often the real struggle comes for clients that don’t even know anyone who takes care of themselves.
And if you come from a family with weight issues, you work in an office where the average person is 20-30 pounds overweight, and your neighbors idea of exercise is walking their dog you’re going to HAVE TO seek out support.
Get online with Facebook and
Meetup groups are usually free too. (Just be sure they’re actually support groups and not trolling to sell you Hebalife Supplements)
The more support you have the better you’ll do.
3) Following A Guaranteed Results Program
The most direct route to your goal is following a proven plan, coached by experience professionals, surrounded by like minded people.
This is the Accelerator Personal Training Program.
Getting the coaching, nutrition, support, and workouts you need to get the results you want.
And it starts with a simple 10 minute phone consult.
Click Here to Apply=>Fast Start Consult
Act as if… you already have the results.
Focus on your Day to Day behaviors and the outcomes will take care of themselves.
P.s. Get the results you’re looking for in less time than you thought possible.
Click Here to Apply=>Fast Start Consult