Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Why Do Some People Succeed at Reaching Their Fitness Goals….and Some Don’t (VIDEO)
Saturday I had chance to meet a new client who self admittedly had taken far too long to reach out to me.
He asked me what the ONE dividing factor was between those people who succeed and those that don’t.
What one piece of advice did I give him that will work for you too?
Show up.
To beat your internal resistance and show up.
As simple as it sound it get’s missed by a lot of people.
To just show up.
I was working with an in home client a few years ago. She told me one of the best things about working with me was I always showed up!
I was confused at first.Then she told me of the
string of people she and her family had tried
to work with before. None panned out. They just
couldn’t show up.
I had won the client by default.
Because I just showed up and kept showing up.
And I’ve learned since then this is universal.
It works at work and in life and in fat loss.
If you simply show up you’re beating 99% of your competition.
Even if the competition is your own internal struggle to get the job done.
If you want the real secret to success to losing fat and feeling better is to just show up.
Who’s most successful in losing weight and getting into shape?
It’s the person who shows up!
And keeps showing up!
When you override your internal resistance and get yourself to the right place, at the appointed time. The other pieces tend to fall into place.
You can do this.
You can even use sheer tenacity and stubborness to never ever give up! It works.
It may be the hardest thing to do!
To just show up.
And keep showing up again and again and again.
I’ve seen this stick to-itiveness of clients win out over all other kinds of habits. Everytime.
One more thing-
“The failure to act is much more often the product of inner, emotional resistance than external resistance.
To move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your “bad luck”, your unsupportive family, your low metabolism, where you live, etc.”-Dan Kennedy
Tough but helpful words to remember. Quite often it’s the internal resistance you have to fight the hardest.
Just show up.
Talk soon.
P.s.If you need a place to show up to. You can get a FREE week of Boot Camp right here.
You show up, we’ll be there. See you soon.
Click Here=>7 Days Unlimited Fitness Boot Camp