Fort Worth Personal Trainers: 3 Biggest Fat Loss Mistakes and How You Can Fix Them (VIDEO)
Hope you’re having a great day!
With the beginning of the New Year and A LOT of people wanting to get back on track…I think it’s a good time to get “back to basics”.
The fact is the basics always work and sometimes I think because there’s SO much information out here at any time. It’s easy to get distracted by the latest and greatest.
When sticking with the basics will get you 80-90% of the results you’re looking for most of the time.
Another thing that can slow you down and hurt you is hanging onto idea that are wrong in the first place or never were right to begin with.
Let’s start with the 3 Biggest Fat-Loss Mistakes today and what you can do different.
Here are my 3 Biggest Fat-Loss Mistakes.
Mistake #1.Cardio is best for weight loss:
This nonsense needs to end. (I still hear it!)
Sure, I know you know someone that say’s they rode the elliptical to drop 30 pounds.
When some one tells me they “did lot’s of cardio and dropped 100 pounds. My question is “Did you change anything in your diet?”
Their answer everytime is “Oh yeah-yeah that. Yeah I completely changed my diet. Why do you ask?”.
Why do people who have had great success losing weight give credit to the wrong factor?
Here’s the problem with Cardio for Fat Loss. It’s the wrong tool for the job. It’s like trying to pound a nail with a screwdriver-Wrong tool. Might get the job done someday but there’s better tools to do the job.
Women have a harder time with this than men. There’s more brainwashing going on in women”s media especially magazines. Magazines sell lifestyle and the intention as one New York writer told me is “to sell more soap and clothes” not provide accurate information.
If you have a deep desire to be soft and frustrated stick with lot’s of cardio. Muscle tone and fat loss doesn’t come from a treadmill, never has never will.
Do this instead- Lift weights, the heavier the better, to get small and lean. Counter intuitive but works every time.
Wean yourself off your cardio addiction with interval training- I’ve got a blog post all about it right here- How to do Interval Training
Mistake #2 I can out-exercise my diet.
Um no….. I wish it were like that..but it’s not the truth.
I have had 100?s of campers and clients. Mostly campers for some reason-try this. Usually just for the first month. When we do measurements at 4 weeks and there’s no change? That is evidence of not getting the message-and that’s O.K. as long as you understand and are O.K. with busting your butt in the heat, rain, and cold and not get a single visible result from it. Oh yes, you’re working out but um…. don’t expect the scale to move. You have to be O.K. with that if you want to train and not get results.
You can not. And will not have one without the other.
Exercise accelerates the fat-Loss, you look better faster, tone comes back, and you feel great.
But…..and this is extremly important.
I’ve never-never-never had a client get visible results without eating better.
Notice I didn’t say less.
If you’re eating whole foods, not processed junk, you are virtually guaranteed success.
Did your week consist primarily of Lean Cuisine (low cal!), goldfish(I wasn’t “eating”), Diet Coke (It has “0? calories!) Starbucks (Convenience!), eating out mindlessly(it’s just an entree and breadsticks and wine and some of my friends entree and some chips and hot sauce, and a beer, and desert).
Or did you eat a majority of the time eggs, oatmeal, chicken, sweet potatoes, green vegetables, a bag of apples, lean meat, tune, water and tea?
If you’re in the second group you’re golden and leaner!
Don’t eat less eat different!
Do this instead- Make the decision to cut out the junk(including diet sodas) for just one week.
One short week.
Eat only foods off my 100 Best Foods List- (just for one week)-Weigh yourself at the beginning of the week. Then again after 7 days on this list. I guarantee the numbers will move. You’ll look feel and perform better too. After just 7 days.
Mistake #3 I should be able to do it on my own.
Why would you believe that?(this is the on that always stumps me)
Has anything significant ever been achieved by a single person-on their own? Have you ever achieved anything important (like changing ingrained habits and your entire physiology over a period of time) without any assistance or support what so ever?
Why do people feel bad they can’t lose weight “on their own”.
Think about it.
When you’re a kid. You go to school with a group of people and are in a class with a teacher at the front(small group training). You go to college surrounded by people striving for the same thing you’re striving for(boot camp). You start your work career again surrounded by people pulling towards the same goals. Quite often your career is accelerated by a mentor(one-on-one training) that’s guided others like yourself to their goals.
I can tell you from experience. One of the most common responses to training is “I’d never do this on my own’. And that’s cool, because you were never meant to do it on your own.
You need guidance to speed up your results. Support will get you through the inevitable lows. Those same people will celebrate your successes too.
Don’t waste valuable time or energy feeling bad about not being able to “do it on your own”. Get around like minded people that want what you want and accelerate your results.
Do this instead-Take me up on my Free Fast Start Consult
With the Accelerator Personal Training program we’ll dial in your nutrition, get you on an exercise program that delivers results and deliver you the support you need.
In only a few weeks you’ll look and feel amazing. Just in time for Spring. And the crazy months after that.
O.k. Lets recap-
1. Lift weights and interval training for rapid fat-loss
2. You can’t out-exercise your diet.
3. You need support to help you make it through.
And put it all together.
Talk soon.
P.s.Lose weight, tone up, feel better, and gain confidence in less time than you thought possible! In a fun, non-intimidating environment with people just like you.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult