Fort Worth Personal Trainers: 3 Tips for Busy Moms to Stay On Track During the Holidays!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we’re just getting started in the Holiday Season.
I’m sure your busy with parties, and get togethers, shopping, family in town, travel out of town, kids and cousins, and grandparents…
You get the idea.
And it’s generally busiest for Mom’s because they’re holding all the moving parts together.
I wanted to give you some actionable tips you can use the next few weeks to stay on track.
I set down earlier this week and interviewed one of my clients Kerri Purcell. I’ve worked with for over 10 years.
As a nurse,a mom to 2 school age boys, extended family , and a very full social calendar, she’s a busy mom trying to make it all happen.
She gives her 3 Top tips for Staying on Track this Holiday Season.
There’s a bonus tip towards the ends that may surprise you.
I’ve leaned more applicable fat loss and fitness tips, habits, strategies, and tactics from talking to my clients over the years than I ever would from just talking to salad eating, no drinking, no fun having personal trainers.
I’ve also noticed sharing clients tips, reminds us that even if our challenges feel unique, we all struggle with the same things at some point.
It doesn’t make it easier but it’s nice to know you’re not the only one, and their are little tricks and tips that can help.
If you’re right on that edge of overwhelm click the video and see if one or all of these tips she shares can help you stay on track this Holiday season.
Have a great Holiday Season!
P.s. If you didn’t quite make your 2017 New Years Resolution of losing 10-20 even 50 pounds or more, we can help. Get the accountability, the plan, the nutrition, workout, coaching and support to drop that extra weight in 2018. This is your year!
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