Fort Worth Personal Trainers: 3 TOP Tips to Staying ON Track this Summer
First week of Summer here in Texas.
So I have to answer this question that seems to come up from otherwise really smart people.
“Can I take 3 months off for the Summer”
80% of what I do as a coach is to hold you accountable, motivate, positively reenforce behaviors, point you in the right direction, provide you with the fastest- safest-most effective methods to get results.
20% is preventing you from doing dumb shit like… “Taking 3 months off”.
This is how bad things happen to good people.
And I don’t want you showing back up in 3 years after your “break” 30-40 pounds overweight.
If you want a full explanation to WHY there’s NO PAUSE BUTTON in my programs Click Here.
So HOW do you stay on track during the Summer?
Click the video and I’ll share with you 3 Tips to Staying on Track this Summer.
Click the Video to Play
Summer is not a BAD time to GET in the VERY BEST shape of your life.
If you’re a teacher, student, or you just need a fast action program to get back on track.
I’d like to help you get DANGEROUSLY FIT in ONLY 12 Weeks.
Click Here=>Free Fast Start Consult
P.s. Don’t spend THIS summer sitting on the side-lines. Get the Coaching, accountability, workouts, meal plans, and support to get the results you deserve.
Click Here=>Free Fast Start Consult