Fort Worth Personal Trainers: ONLY for Those 45 Years or Older (PROOF: How Exercise Can Save Your Life)
Hope you’re having a great day!
If you’ve been paying any attention to my programs the past few months
We recently launched our Fit Over 50 Project.
The reason being I realized nearly every day for the first 6 months of the year I had been sitting down with a consult if not at least 45 years or older.
Clients wanting to not just lose weight, but get their life back.
And the same questions kept coming up.
Are there other people like me or just a bunch of super-fit 20 year olds? (Yes, there are people just like you here)
Can I keep up? (yes)
I’ve had some injuries, or cancer, or car accident in the past that keep me from being able to _____ will it be tailored to me? (Yes)
And there’s more but that’s not the point of this newsletter.
It’s not about the first 12 weeks, 12 months or even 12 years.
It’s the impact that this program and exercise can have literally
2 freakish statistics that you should know about exercise and aging.
70% of all aging is CONTROLLABLE.
Meaning you have a CHOICE when it comes to the effect aging will have on you, your quality of life, and the quality of life of your family.
Research has also shown a full 50% of ALL SERIOUS Sickness and Accidents after the age of 50 can be PREVENTED by regular exercise.
For example: How do you fix a broken hip? By exercising you improve your sense of balance and never fall in the first place.
This chart shows what people typically experience in the aging process.
A slow decay (that’s right decay) starting in their 40’s while their health and quality of life plummets every year.
It’s UGLY!
But it’s a CHOICE.
You can instead make up your mind-and tell your body-to live as if you were a fit, healthy and happy fifty, or even younger…
For most of the rest of your life.
You can stay on a plateau the final 20, 30 even 40 years of your life.
With kicking in a solid exercise habit NOW.
It can look something like this.
And for 95% of you it can look like this.
If you haven’t been there, you cannot imagine how important the difference is between these last two curves are and the first one.,
The difference is PROFOUND and it will shape the final 30 years of your life.
Just keeping it real here.
This Fit over 50 may be the most important project we’ve ever worked on.
I hope you want to be a part of it too.
IF you’d like to apply you can click here, answer a few questions and I’ll give you a call.
You have nothing to lose except the rest of your life.
P.s. Here’s the link again…
Click Here=>Fit over 50
P.P.s. I’ve had a lot of over 60 people ask if this program is also for them and the answer is yes…
Click Here=>Fit over 50