Fort Worth Personal Trainers:The 8 HABITS of Our Most Successful Clients (VIDEO)
WHO does best in my programs and why them?
What are the definitive habits I see in my most successful clients.
I got this idea of common habits from one of my coaches Dustin Maher.
When you coach 1000’s of clients to success over years you tend to see trends.
And some do great and some not so great so whats the difference?
Those who get the best results with us generally do the following:
1) Show up consistently.
It becomes part of their lifestyle.
They prioritize it just like an important doctor’s appointment or meeting at work.
They don’t miss unless an extreme circumstance comes up.
2) Work hard in the sessions.
Each workout doesn’t have to be “all out” but being open to the possibilities of what’s possible and open to challenging their body certainly makes results better and quicker.
3) Make SOME TYPE of change to their eating or implement our eating plans.
Nutrition is key of course, and those who take this seriously are the ones who lose more weight, have more energy, and just feel better.
Meal prep is the #1 success habit when it comes to weight loss according to my interviews with clients.
And that DOES NOT mean you have to do ALL your prep for the week and eat from tupperware every day.
It means having your time intensive proteins cooked and ready and having a plan for the week. (NOT hoping you’ll magically improve your eating)
They take the time to prepare meals and snacks and ask questions when they aren’t sure of what the best nutrition choices may be.
4) Set inspiring and challenging goals.
Doing a 50 mile bike ride, running a half marathon, hiking the Swiss Alps, doing a sprint triathlon, completing a Tough Mudder, completing a marathon distance “death march” in the desert, and the list goes on. F
For others, goals may be to walk the dog an extra block, challenging themselves to always take the stairs, or park far away in parking lots.
WHAT MATTERS is what matters to YOU!
Focusing on activity and fitness related goals can help you not focus all your attention on the scale.
5) Actively involved on social media.
Like Dustin, I strongly hesitate putting this one in here because you can certainly be successful without this.
But I’ve noticed those who comment, post, and interact the MOST on Facebook or check in on their newsfeeds are much more consistent than those who don’t.
Public declarations WORK and keep you more accountable.
6) Make new friends and keep others at a distance.
This becomes inevitable if a person is making a dramatic change in their lifestyle and health.
If you don’t make new friends and only keep the old ones, you are pretty much guaranteed to get sucked back into old habits and beliefs.
Surround yourself with like minded people who are actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle as well.
7) Resilience…the ability to SHOW UP and SHOW UP and keep SHOWING UP.
We are all going to get sick, injured, have a death in the family, and so on.
But how much that derails a person’s plans depends on many of the above things mentioned along with a person’s resilience to simply not give up.
8) Have fun!
If you are constantly miserable working out chances are it is going to be tough to stick with it for the next few decades.
Laughing, smiling, and connecting with others makes it more fun.
Looking at this list above got me thinking about what those who struggle the most do.
I would say it boils down to inconsistency and that is due to not prioritizing exercise or healthy eating.
There are certainly times in people’s lives when instances call for all focus and energy to be put in other areas, but these “seasons” of life shouldn’t last very long in my opinion because once you let go of your focus on your health, your ability to help and care for others dramatically diminishes and/or you become the liability.
So many people live lives where their schedule controls them rather than that they are controlling their schedule.
I tend to believe that most things in life are brought on by decisions I have made in the past and that I need to take full responsibility for the situation I am currently in.
When I do that, it gives me the freedom and control to make changes and doesn’t put me in the “victim’s mentality.”
I hope this list helps you in your decision making process.
Those that are successful leave clues and seeing what works for the majority can help.
P.s. If you’re ready and willing to take a stand to improve your body and quality of life we can help And it all starts with one tiny action.
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