Fort Worth Personal Trainers: Low-Carb vs Low-Fat Major Study Concludes IT DOESN”T MATTER (Video)
Very common question I get is what’s the BEST DIET for weight and fat loss?
And my answer for a very long time has been “The one you will actually DO and can stick with for a very long time”.
I’ve gone as far as avoiding any “short-term “diets” in my programs because of the high failure rate, guilt and discouragement associated with that failure, and lack of sustainability.
A newly released major study has come out that proves their is NO BEST Diet and the 3 Basic Principles we use in at the Body Firm when it comes to nutrition coaching.
Here’s a link to the study and an explanation of the findings…
Click Here=>Low-Carb vs Low-Fat Major Study Concludes IT DOESN”T MATTER (Video)
What does matter when it comes to changing your diet for weight and fat loss are these 3 things.
1) Whole Foods work and are the ONLY thing that work long term.
So base the majority of your diet on increasing your water, vegetable, and protein intake.
What exactly are Whole Foods use my 100 Best Food you CAN Eat as a cheat sheet
2) Adherence and Sustainability are primary.
You have to find a diet for yourself that you can SUSTAIN over the long haul not days or weeks but years and decades.
This is a serious issue your life depends on it being doable for as long as you live.
3) There is NO BEST DIET the Best Diet for you is the ONE you can stick with.
Check out the video for the study and take aways for yourself.
P.s. If you’re tired of starting and stopping your exercise and nutrition before you ever see results. Just to feel guilty and then trying again and again to start and stop. We can help by delivering you the accountability, coaching, and support you need to stick with your new habits long enough they become your habits. Click here=>Fast Start Consult