Fort Worth Personal Trainers: Monday Morning Quick Tip-Don’t Stop How to Overcome Resistance (VIDEO)
Have you ever started an exercise and healthy eating program and immediately ran into all kinds of problems that simply DID NOT exist before you started?
You decide to start working out and eating better and inevitably one or all of these things WILL happen…
-Your car will break down
-You’ll have unforeseen expenses
-Kids will get sick
-Spouses will get sick
-You’ll get sick
-Surprise business travel will come up
-Social obligations will increase
-Job hours will change
-Grandmas will pass away
And on and on and on….
And these are just SOME of the things that WILL arise.
BUT this is NORMAL.
And inevitable.
And it’s NOT your imagination
This thing is called RESISTANCE and it’s very real and very common.
The more you know about it the better you can prepare for it and overcome it’s arrival.
A lot of this is explained in Steven Pressfields book “Do the Work”.
RESISTANCE will arise according to Mr. Pressfield any time you make a change for the better…he lists 4 instances that pertain to exercise and diet specifically.
From the book
3. Any diet or health regimen.
5. Any activity whose aim is the acquisition of chiseled abdominals
6. Any course or program designed to overcome an unwholesome habit or addiction.
8. Any act of political, moral, or ethical courage, including the decision to change for the better some unworthy pattern of thought or conduct in ourselves
And you need to KNOW and be aware that once you’ve made the decision and taken action to lose weight and get in shape.
You WILL be met with RESISTANCE.
And it’s not to discourage you but to conform you’re on the right path and to help prepare you for it’s arrival.
From the book Here are your allies against RESISTANCE and in the video I share how we have these in our program.
Our Allies
Enough for now about the antagonists arrayed against us. Let’s consider the champions on our side.
1. Stupidity
2. Stubbornness
3. Blind Faith
4. Passion
5. Assistance (the opposite of RESISTANCE)
6. Friends and family
You need to be prepared for RESISTANCE’s arrival and KNOW it’s all part of the process.
MOST important is once you start, go ALL THE WAY.
It can be done. And you can do it.
Click the Video to Play
Have a great Monday.
P.s. Are you tired of being tired, overweight, out of shape, unable to wear what you want, to do what you want when you want?
We can help.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult