Fort Worth Personal Trainers: Monday Quick Tip-NEVER MISS A MONDAY! (VIDEO)
Never Miss a Monday!
You hear this creed all the time and there are real reasons.
In weight loss and fitness every Monday is New Years Day.
A chance to start over.
To finally get it right.
And you are totally allowed to treat it as such.
If you’ve fallen off the workout wagon the past weekend, 2 weeks or even 2 decades.
Why not start today.
Right now would be even better.
You would be amazed at the speed at which you can turn your weight, healthand fitness around.
I have has clients contactme, come in for a consult and begin their first workout that very day.
5 days later they’ve cleaned up their diet, worked out 3 times and have already dropped weight.
All because of one simplechoice and a sense of urgency.
That decision to “Show up”
And they did, that makes all the difference.
Like my mentor Dan Kennedy says..
“We are given a new day following each night so that we can choose to begin anew at ANY point in our lives.
Change is a matter of CHOICE not calendar.”
IT’s NOT the day of the week you choose, it’s that you make a choice to change.
It all starts with one tiny change and action to get the ball rolling.
-A walk around the block at lunch
-A better choice of breakfast (I’ll bag it and stay out of the drive-thru!)
-Joining that gym down the street and jumping into a body pump class tonight
-Getting everyone to stop and sit at the table together for dinner this evening
The choice is yours.
P.s. If you’re ready to stop feeling tired, overweight, slow, and unhappy with your choices?
We can help.
Get the coaching, support, nutrition, workouts, and accountability you need.
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