Fort Worth Personal Trainers: Monday Quick Tip-The 10 Minute Rule for When You Just Don’t Want to Workout (VIDEO)
No matter if you’re in your first week,first year, or first decade of working out.
There are going to be those days you just don’t want to do it.
But you KNOW you have to make it to the door to be successful.
That’s where the 10 Minute Rule comes in.
It’s one of those weird little mental tricks you can use to get yourself to workout…
Even when you DON”T WANT TO!
Not only will it help you that day but it helps you build even more important habits that will serve you in the future.
YES! It’s that good.
I share the 10 Minute Rule, how to use it, and all the benefits in this video.
Click the Video to Play
P.s. Tired of being tired, clothes not fitting, weight going up and up and up?
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