Fort Worth Personal Trainers: It’s Not You, It’s Me (Time for a bad habit break-up) (VIDEO)
“Make this the week you finally leave a bad habit behind. Tell the habit “It’s not you, it’s me” and kick it to the curb for good.”
-Craig Ballyntine
Simple yet powerful.
Let today be the day you tell your worst habit…
It’s not you it’s me, but you’re gone.
I’ve talked about this before.
My habit that I’ve struggled with is staying up later and later.
I’ve been down this road before and I don’t like it. But when I do go to bed on time all kinds of good things start to happen.
I feel better.
I can get more done in those first 20 min of the this newsletter.
Than I can in 2 hours after noon.
I get a feeling of satisfaction, for being disciplined.
Things fall into place, even if I was once struggling with them the night before.
This is the week I’m breaking up with staying up late.
What one bad habit do you have you needed to break up with for some time?
Go ahead today’s your day.
Don’t underestimate the power of kicking a single habit to the curb.
A single habit change is all that’s needed to create a domino effect of more positive changes.
The two habit changes I’ve seen have the biggest impact with my clients have been what I call the “Big Rocks”
Cutting out Fast Food and/or Soft Drinks (diet too) will have the most dramatic positive effect on your weight loss. No question about it.
If you’re not sure you can make the break up stick all by yourself try this.
Tell a lot of people what you’re going to do. Just Like I increased my commitment to breaking up with my habit by telling you.
Reinforce your “bad habit” break up by telling a supportive friend-“I’m leaving this behind starting today”
But you have to start with one.
And that one is good enough.
It’s time to put it behind you and move on to bigger and better habits.
Carrots not cookies.
Weights not walking.
Dumbbells not donuts.
Healthy not overweight.
Feeling good not bad.
The choice is yours. The time will pass anyway.
Have something to show for it.
It’s yours for the taking
Today is your day.
Look at the behavior that makes you feel bad about yourself..And kick it to the curb.
Today is YOUR day, now crush it.
P.s.Why not you? Why not you feeling lean and strong. Get the results you want in less time than you thought possible. And it all starts by
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