Fort Worth Personal Trainers: One Simple Trick to Lose Weight and Keep it Off (Why What’s On Your Counter Matters A LOT!)
Hope you’re having a great day!
Imagine trying to workout on a busy highway. Your weights are on one side of the highway, and you have to cross the highway to do your exercises.
And you have to lay your mat on the ground right next to cars speeding by.
Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Do you know why?
Exercising on a busy highway actually could be done, but here’s the deal….
It’s the wrong environment.
For you to effectively workout you can go to a gym, the weights are neat and orderly, there’s space for you to get on the floor, there’s even a water fountain in case you’re thirsty.
It’s a better environment.
And environment makes a HUGE difference in your results.
Two of the Biggest weight loss factors to emerge in 2017 was the power of your habits and environment on your weight loss and fitness results.
We’ve talked about the power of habits before. And how much better habits are than simple willpower when it comes to weight loss and sticking with a program long enough to get results and to make it into a lifestyle.
You’ve heard the phrase your environment matters.
And people are usually referring to the people they’re around and their influence either good or bad on your behaviors.
But it go’s deeper than that.
The kinds of food you have laying about, visible and readily available has an impact on your weight.
A study recently by food psychologist and behavioral economist Brian Wansink, Ph.D., director of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, uncovered the connection between your choice of food left out and your weight.
Wansink conducted a study recently where he and his colleagues took photos of kitchens in 240 homes in Syracuse, New York.
They examined every detail of the kitchens, from the measurements to what kinds of foods were sitting out.
Their findings were startling….
Having potato chips visible anywhere in the kitchen was associated with weighing 9 pounds more than the neighbors.
And having breakfast cereal out was even worse: For women, it was associated with weighing 21 pounds more than the neighbors. “You think, ‘Cereal is healthy, here’s a box, let me grab a handful,'” Wansink reasons.
On the positive side, the study also showed that people who keep a fruit bowl outweigh 8 pounds less than their neighbors.
“You can debate the causality: Is it slim people who have fruit bowls, or do fruit bowls make you slim? I don’t know. But if you want to be slim, once you start at least doing what [slim people] are doing, you’re tilting the field in the right direction,” he says.”
The most powerful part of this is how easy it is to make this one minor change to your environment and it’s possible impact on your waistline.
Will sitting a bowl of apples out magically make you slimmer. No.
But theirs a very high chance that having that bowl of candy sitting on your desk isn’t helping you.
Just like the people you’re around matter to your weight loss and fitness results.
Your environment matters.
Probably far more than we’ve realized before.
Set your environment up to help your success.
It can be done and you can do it.
I believe in you and your ability to reach your goals.
Talk soon.
P.s. After you set that bowl of fruit out in your kitchen you can go to the next step and get the plan, coaching, and support you need to reach your weight loss goals. Join our Fitness Boot Camp for FREE for 7 Days so that you get the results you deserve.
Click Here=>FREE 7 Day UNLIMITED Boot Camp Pass