Fort Worth Personal Trainers: How to Stay on Track this Weekend (VIDEO)
“Do not compromise if you are right. Hold your ground,show no fear, ask for what you want, and the opposition will usually agree”
Kekich Credo #32
This weekend like all weekends before and to come is going to be filled with temptation, pressure and opportunities to make bad choices.
You can give in to peer pressure and totally screw up your program and set yourself back days or a week.
Or you can stand your ground, that you and your goals are more important.
Without a doubt one of the most difficult things about losing weight is eating in social situations.
And just because the Holidays are over doesn’t mean a thing to your family, friends, and co-workers.
The peer-pressure (both intentional and unwitting) is and will be the toughest test of your commitment.
Today is the day you set your ground rules for this weekend. Will it be one glass of wine or six? A cup cake or a dozen, or even an apple instead.
If you’re not sure what to say to someone pushing food on you, here’s some help.
Click Here=>What to Say to Food Pushers
You know where you’re going this weekend, the eating out, the travel, the kids parties.
The temptations and hurdles are something you can prepare for in advance so do it.
Know before you go. Have a plan. Remember YOUR goals are far more important than a Cinnabon.
This is no time for shyness either. Be proud of what you’re doing, people are usually secretly wishing someone would take charge and be a healthy role model for them.
That person is you.
P.s. If you’re tired of being tired, starting and stopping programs, and killing yourself only to see no results at all.
We can help.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult