One thing that’s a little unique about some of our programs is that not everyone is allowed to join.
I know that seems hypocritical coming from a coach that is always telling you “You CAN do this”
Then in the same breath, I’m required to tell some applicants to our program…
“No, I don’t think it would be a good fit. I can refer you to…”
Because while I firmly believe that exercise and an improved diet will help everyone.
And it’s important to remember who I tend to work with.
Clients that have 20,30 even 50 pounds or more to drop. Serious weight loss that if we don’t get it off will eventually kill them.
And more recently out Fit over 50 Project. Where we are introducing exercise and eating the way you “know you’re supposed to eat” to clients in an effort to improve the last 20,30 even 40 years of their lives.
These are serious goals that need to be addressed.
Not everyone should be in my program.
What am I looking for in a potential client?
1) They have clear cut goals.
Not everyone has their goals defined when they show up.
They just know something is missing and they’re ready to take action.
I can help them define their goals with some basic questions.
“What’s your current weight, what would your goal weight be?
What size clothes are you wearing now, what size would you like to be able to shop for?
If you’re looking in the mirror what would you like to see different?”
THEN we have some clear cut, definitive goals to build their habits toward.
2) Willingness to change.
The use the Hinge Theory when it comes to changing your exercise and eating habits.
Like a tiny hinge that swings a huge door.
I try to find the one or two “hinge habits” that we can make that will have the biggest impact on their results.
3) Willingness to take action.
I’m always up front with potential clients when I meet with them.
I let them know when we’re done with the interview I’llmake my very best program recommendation for them.
“And you can say Yes, and we’ll get started on. Or no.
And either one it totally OK.
But you can’t “Think about it”
And the reason is that all those months, years, and decades of NOT taking action and continually “thinking about it”
Got them into the exact situation they’re asking me to help them with.
That’s why I can only work with action takers.
People who even though they’re scared and uncertain of the future, are willing to push through that initial Resistance and take action on their goals.
Sometimes I do have to tell a potential client that it wouldn’t be a good fit and I refer them elsewhere.
But I have to protect my current clients, my coaches, and myself from people that would not do well in a positive active environment.
If you have goals, a can do attitude, a willingness to make some small changes to your lifestyle, like to have fun with some other cool people.
We have a program for you.
And it all starts right here.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult