Fort Worth Personal Trainers: Monday Quick Tip-What’s Your Excuse? The ONE Characteristic You Can Develop for Weight Loss and Fitness Success (VIDEO)
We are almost through the first quarter of the year-if you needed to and haven’t started a lose the weight get in shape program why? What’s your excuse? No really what is it? I’m dying to know.
Because I do know the hardest thing to do is to get started-just getting started.
Now some will use every bullshit excuse NOT TO START that they can.
It’s too much.
It’s not convenient.
It’s not easy.
It will be hard.
I can’t eat like a human garbage disposal.
And on and on and on….
Not all though.
One of my favorite stories is a about Chelsea Carpenter.
Her Mom is a client and I got an email from that her new schedule as a nurse were throwing her workouts off. She wanted to start Personal Training for the accountability and results.
That night she sent the email to get started she slipped off a step and broke her foot!
She said if you can work around it I still want to start!
So she did her first workout on crutches.
If you want to see determination-watch someone not just start a new exercise program- but hop on one foot from exercise to exercise on their first day. Jelly arms and crutches are a dangerous combination.
The point is she didn’t let a broken foot get in the way of her goals.
And this is the critical difference in those that are successful.
Their resilience. The ability to bounce back after a temporary set back.
And this is the critical thing you don’t see in all the success stories, but it’s there.
In every Before and After photo set you see there’s a story behind it- usually a messy one.
Challenges and set backs, road blocks and temporary failures.
Missed workouts, injuries, and diets “blown”, wagons fallen off of. You name it.
It’s the most common thing of all.
A string of hurdles behind everyone of them.
What’s the difference between success and failure?
Their resiliency.
They kept going.
They kept going because of resilience.
They didn’t allow things to stop them in their tracks.
The missed workout-didn’t turn into a month off, the McDonalds drive through didn’t turn into a week of binge eating, the excuses didn’t flow.
This is the biggest lesson for me this year-to fail and keep moving. And I learned it from watching my clients and my coaches.
Over the long haul this resiliency may be the most important of all characteristics to develop. How well you can take a punch. How fast you can recover from a set back or five or ten-and keep moving.
If there’s one critical trait you should develop this is the one!
And you do it with the little stuff. The missed workout, the crazy schedules, the holiday parties, the stress eating, you disappointment in yourself. And you work on recovering from these things with speed.
And it is a choice you make.
You chose to let these things stop you cold.
You chose to keep moving toward your goals.
The choice is yours.
Talk soon.
P.s. Don’t wait until it’s too late to get your body back. The best way to get started is to simply GET STARTED and it all begins when you click here=>Fast Start Consult