Fort Worth Personal Training: 2 Rules for Staying On Track this Summer (Video)
Summer is here and with it comes all the temptations and challenges to keeping your weight loss and fitness on track.
Travel, vacations, car trips, pool-lake-beach days, kids are out, family reunions, ball games, tourist stops, and generally more relaxed schedule.
Any and all of this can cause even the most seasoned and disciplined to fall off the wagon.
This can be a great time of the year to keep it simple and you’ll do fine.
2 Rules for Summer
1) Show Up
This is the universal go to rule for staying on track with your workouts.
Set the number of workouts you want to get in at the beginning of the week.
And show up.
Even if you limp through your workout sunburned and hung over. You’re still reenforcing the workout habit and you’re moving forward.
Be determined to Show Up this Summer.
This is a good time, if you’ve always avoided morning workouts to give it a 3 month shot.
Most of my clients have discovered the power of morning workouts.
1) There’s nothing else going on at 5am or 6am. No meetings, no bosses, kids and spouses don’t miss you if they never even knew you were gone.
2) Your metabolism is elevated for the remainder of the day.
3) Your confidence increases because you’re doing something for yourself.
4) You’ll tend to eat better through out the day. Faster results.
No matter your schedule of the time you choose…
You’ll feel better, have more confidence ands you’ll be glad you stayed on track this fall.
2) The 2/3 Rule for Diet
For weight loss and fitness we know that boring works.
Setting up 1 healthy go-to breakfast and a simple nutritious lunch that you can consistently go to. Will do more for your results and peace of mind than all the salads in the world.
With travel, crazy schedules, and more evening entertaining to do. You can use the 2 out of 3 meals rule.
2 meals out of the day should be the same thing daily.
The less you have to think about what you’re going to eat the better.
For example:
Breakfast: 2 Eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal, piece of fruit, coffee
Lunch: Chicken breast, sweet potato, broccoli
Dinner: this is the wildcard
This will work to keep you on track during travel and around family who can sabotage your eating.
You’ll always have more control over what you’re eating earlier in the day, before things get going.
Take advantage of that control.
You’ll feel better too when you keep your diet simple and consistent.
Hope you have a great first week of Summer!
P.s. If you’re tired of being tired, starting and stopping your program before you ever see results, or just plain tired of being fat? We can help…Get the Coaching, accountability, workouts, nutrition, meal plans and consistency to finally see the results you deserve in the mirror, on the scale, and in your clothes.
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