Fort Worth Personal Training: Full-Leg Blaster Circuit
One I do know from training myself over 30 years and thousands of clients for close to 20 years.
Is your legs can never be TOO strong, lean, and resilient.
There’s a phrase used in combat sports and by military athlete that says “Legs Feed the Wolf”
Meaning you have a strong foundation under you (your legs, hips, and butt) to do well in any physical endeavor.
It’s true cycling, running, squatting, lunging, skating, skiing.
Think about the daily applications too…
With stronger legs you can.
Chase your kids or grandkids,
Get up and down off the floor more easily,
Hit as many flights of stairs as needed without thinking about it,
Go on vacation and not think twice about a multi-mile hike,
There’s just NO downside to building your lower body stamina and strength.
And the best part is any activity that builds your lower body strength and stamina will also have the added benefit of reducing, toning, and tightening your hips, buns, and thighs.
And you don’t have to run miles and miles or get on the elliptical for hours at a time.
Look at all the activities you use your legs for.
None of them look like jogging, most of them are short bursts of activity then a slower pace.
Or climbing and bounding.
Here’s a Full Leg-Blaster Circuit that will give you visible results quickly.
Intermediate and advanced exercisers only the mini version is here.
Click the Video for the Demo
Full-Leg Blaster Circuit
-20 Air Squats
(Bodyweight Squats)
-20 Lunges
(10 Per Leg)
-20 Russian Lunges
-10 Vertical Jump Squats
Keys are no rest between reps or exercises, see how far you can get before the legs turn to jelly.
Now you’re ready to limp into the weekend.
If you’re struggling to stay consistent, not seeing the results you’d like, ready to get in shape with a proven fitness blueprint
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P.s. One of the most common requests I get is help to reduce the hips, buns and thighs while reducing the appearance of cellulite. This CAN be done with a consistent exercise program and a supportive diet.
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