Fort Worth Personal Training: Monday Quick Tip – Action Alleviates Anxiety
“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything”
So said John Wooden, the Hall of Fame basketball coach for UCLA who won a record 10 NCAA championships.
I talk to so many people that are stuck because they are so afraid of making a mistake.
They default to not making any move at all.
Yet-mistakes are the corrective feedback we all need to help us reach our goals.
Fat Loss and getting in shape is like driving a car.
You must always have your hands on the wheel so you can make minor adjustments.
You must continually modify your course based on your feedback.
The important thing that I think most people forget is you’re still moving toward your destination as you make these course corrections.
And just like driving you’re going to make wrong turns, get lost and have to ask for directions at times.
But none of these incidents stop your forward progress.
Mistakes and feedback are an essential part of the process of moving forward and reaching your destination.
Keep that in mind these first few weeks of the Holidays when your best efforts may be thwarted.
Remember when you get caught up in the “what if’s?” that “Action Alleviates Anxiety”
You will have to TAKE ACTION to move forward past your internal resistance.
YES you will screw up and have to make adjustments to your plan.
That’s OK.
You’re still making progress even when you’re making adjustments.
It’s all part of the game.
Talk soon.
P.s. If you’re ready to show up and get the results you’ve always been looking for…t he Accelerator Personal Training program is the answer.