Fort Worth Personal Training: Monday Quick Tip Establishing the “Showing Up” Habit
“If it’s important you do it every day”
– Dan John
Why do most people fail to get in shape and stay in shape the rest of their lives?
Because they stop showing up.
Or if they do get started and life gets in the way (And it’s Guaranteed that it will) they stop showing up to focus on the temporary and passing crisis.
Here’s the thing.
If you want to establish and stick to your exercise routine you have to make it a priority.
And how can you tell if it’s a priority?
You show up.
And you can to show up as consistently as possible, you do it first thing in the morning.
(Go by any fitness facility at 5 or 6 in the morning and you will see the people who have MADE it a priority)
And if you absolutely can’t get it done first thing it’s done at the first available moment.
What you don’t want to do is put it at the end of your day, after everything and everyone else is taken care of because it…
If you’re overweight, out of shape, you get out of breath going up a couple flights of stairs, you avoid cameras and mirrors, you know you need to do something.
(And you actually MUST take action or VERY bad things will happen to you and your health down the road) Start with making exercise a priority in your schedule.
Start with making exercise a priority in your schedule.
And if getting to the gym first thing in the morning isn’t doable.
Get up and walk 20 min in the neighborhood first thing in the morning.
It’s easy it’s mindless and it’s insanely effective a helping you ESTABLISH the exercise habit.
Because you have to realize you have to establish the “showing up” habit before anything else.
And the easiest way to “show up” is to walk out the door first thing in the morning.
You’ll feel better, you’ll have done something for yourself, you’ll eat better throughout the day, you’ll be establishing the exercise habit that will improve ALL the other parts of your life dramatically.
Get up and get going.
I believe in you.
P.s, If you’re looking to make a change this fall. Get the coaching, accountability, exercise, and nutrition support you need to see life-changing results.
Click here=>Fast Start Consult