First Thank You for visiting we’re excited about being able to offer the Groupon Deal of the Day.
I’m Dave Fannin and I own The Body Firm Personal Training and Boot Camps with 2 locations in Fort Worth and the Mid-Cities/Colleyville area.
We specialize in rapid fat-loss programs and body transformation programs
80% of my clients come start at their heaviest weight ever. Whether it’s 160lbs-260lbs even 360lbs-they’re at their top weight. So if you’re looking to lose 20-30 even 50 pounds or more you’re in the right place. This is what we do all day everyday.
Even if you only want to lose 5-10 pounds and tone up the principles remain the same.
All of my programs are based on these 4 steps
1. Nutrition First – Because you can’t out-exercise your diet=>Diet vs.Exercise for Fat Loss
2. Fat-Loss Exercise-Not all exercise has been created equal for fast results(no boring exercise!)=>8 Fat-Burning Body-Toning Exercises
3. Just Say NO to Cardio-Old school steady state cardio is time consuming, boring, and inefficient for fat loss so we don’t do it. We do Short Burst Cardio or HIIT for fast results=>Just Say NO to Cardio
4. Coaching and Group Support– No one accomplishes much on their own. Social support is like success insurance. To increase your chances of success you’ve got to get around other like minded people=>The Secret to Success No One Tells You About
Not only will you get Unlimited Body Firm Boot Camp Workouts ($229 value) for a full 4 weeks for only $39
You’ll also receive
- A Fast-Start Consultation($97 value)
- 21 Day Fat-Loss Meal Plan($47 value)
- Nutrition Crash Course ($37 value)
- 100 Best Foods You Can Eat ($9 value)
- Quick-Start Guide ($9 value)
- Unlimited Phone and Email Coaching Support 24/7 (Priceless)
That’s $428 value for only $39! And you get the body you want in less time than you thought possible.
Here are the 2 most common questions about our boot camps –
What kind of people go to camp?
People just like you! Some of our boot campers just need to jump start their fitness and wellness program. Some are tired of the same old workout routine and are looking for a new challenge and refreshing way to stay fit. Most of our campers have some history of exercise, but it’s not required. We make the program just right for your ability level. Everything in boot camp is designed to be crawl-walk-run. No matter what your current fitness level you can do this.
If you have severe knee or hip problems which makes things like slow jogging and squatting painful, bootcamps might not be for you.
What is a typical day like at boot camp?
We don’t have typical days — if you want the same routine day after day, then you would probably want to join a fitness center. You can expect a mixture of resistance training using equipment such as jump ropes, medicine balls, playgrounds, bodyweight, and dumbbells. Some sort of cardiovascular training will be done each day as well. Each day is designed to be fun and different, but never boring!
You can go here for more specific information on our boot camps=>Fort Worth Fitness Boot Camp
Here are maps locations and a FAQ=> Fort Worth Boot Camp FAQ
We look forward to getting you into your best shape ever faster than you thought possible.
Grab that pass now!=>Groupon
P.s. If you’ve already purchased a pass(Awesome!) and want to register for boot camp-go here=>Groupon Boot Camp Registration