This working mom of two pre-schoolers dropped 17 pounds, 16 inches and her bodyfat went from 32% to 23% in 12 short weeks!
Christina Cowden came to me 12 Weeks ago while on maternity leave after her second child. She told me her body wasn’t bouncing back like it did the first time. She just didn’t feel like her regular self. She wanted to get the fat off and her energy back. So she not only survive but thrive in her daily life.
When I saw her food journal the first time, I knew she was going to get great results. She grabbed hold of the program and ran with it.
I asked her pemission to show you exactly what she ate the first week of her program.
It’s instructive. You’ll notice she’s not perfect and no one is. But she still got great results because she stuck with the basics. No calorie counting here either. Take a look.
Thursday Week 1 Day 1
7:45am Coffee w/creamer, dry toast
12:45 Spaghetti, water
2:45p Banana, water, 1 cup Goldfish
5:30p Teriyaki Sirloin steak, spinach, yams
7:00p Peach cobbler
8:30pm Apple, peanut butter
Friday Week 1 Day2
7:45a Coffee w/creamer, egg/cheese sandwich, banana
11:45a Tamale pie, spinach, yams, water
1:45p Cheerios(2 cups), skim milk(1 cup)
5:30p 3 bites peach cobbler
7:00p Chik-fil-a grilled garden salad(ranch), water
9:00p 4 Wheat crackers, 1 slice provolone cheese
Saturday Week 1 Day 3
7:45 Coffee w/creamer
11:45a Small hamburger w/olives, plum, greek yogurt w/granola, dried fruit
3:00p Banana, water
5:30 3 slices thin-rust pizza(pineapple,olives,mushrooms), diet coke
10:00p Cheerios/skim milk
Sunday Week 1 Day 4
8:30a Bagle w/jelly, coffee
11:45a 1/2 Baked potato, water
12:45p banana, water
3:00p Apple w/peanut butter, cereal bar
6:30p Salad w/chicken breast
Monday Week 1 Day 5
8:00a Coffee w/creamer, 2 eggs, wheat toast w/honey
12:30 Chicken breast, provalone, wheat bread, water
4:20p Cantaloupe, greek yogurt, water
6:30 Beef& tater tot casserole, spinach salad, water
Tuesday Week 1 Day 6
8:15a Coffee w/creamer, bagel w/cream cheese, jelly
11:30a Spinach, carrots, Beef and tater tot casserole, water
4:45p Yogurt, cantalope
7:00p 7th Street Movie Tavern- Fried pickles w/ranch, 1/2 tuna pita w/fries, water
Wednesday Week 1 Day 7
7:30a Coffee w/creamer, oatmeal w/dried fruit
11:45a 1/4 Tuna pita sandwich, handful goldfish
1:30p Cheerios, skim milk
2:30 1/4 Tuna pita sandwich, water
5:45 Chicken breast
9:00p Casserole
It’s important that you note what’s not in here. You don’t see soda’s every day, fast food, highly processed junk(Potato Chips), fake health foods(Lean Cuisine) etc.
What you do see is she’s covering the basics-(And the fact that she kept a journal). Christina told me she tends to cook at home.
1. Breakfast everday– she’s starting her day off right and giving her metabolism a jump start.
2. Small meals– notice there aren’t huge portions here(portion control) ex. -chicken sandwich and piece of fruit=meal
3. Eating often-What I normally will see is 6-10 hour gaps between meals, and people wonder why they’re hungry then they overeat. Christina has the eat small and often habit down and it shows. She doesn’t go more than 3-4 hours without getting something in.
4. Real food!- Chicken, yams, bananas, apples, peaches, steak, tuna, hamburger, potatoe’s! It’s pretty hard to screw up a diet based off of real food.
5. Snacks- Fruit for the most part and peanut butter. Cheerios and Goldfish do the job too. As long as portions are controlled(1 handful, 1 cup) you’re going to be just fine.
6. Cheat meal(s)- Pizza! You bet. If you tell yourself you can’t have a donut. All you’ll think about is donuts. So plan on having donuts, or whatever, once a week to blow off steam mentally and physically. Remember once a week not daily is the key.
Remember there is no perfect meal plan. But there is the right meal plan for you! You may have to test a few before you find the one that fits you best.
Congratulations again to Christina for the amazing transformation!